CHEMWIDER is a trading and brokerage company which operates the energetic products sector. We allow our clients to access materials necessary for the production of their fuel.
Our approach is based on our associates’ experience, mostly acquired in the Oil and Gas sector.
Our activity is resolutely oriented on the global market. We are there wherever our solutions are expected
Our mission
Our job consiste in sourcing and supplying chemcals to end users. For this purpose, we use our best efforts to offer them the best service.
- Sourcing mandate
- Commercial agency
- Business development
- Logistic support

Our values
We believe our clients’ satisfaction calls for probity commitments and transparence.
- Our resources are dedicated to the achievement of projects on which we cooperate.
- We provide our best recommendations and we guide our partners to the most suitable solutions for their needs.
- We are continuously monitoring the best existing technologies of the market.
We supply the fuels and combustibles industry.
For each type of product, we create alternative supply chains from regular players of the market.
We use our technical expertise to qualify the manufacturers.
Regarding purchase, we strongly believe solutions exist as soon as there are people to make them affordable.
We offer vegetable raw materials to renewable energies producers. We mostly focus on biodiesel plants located in Europe.
- Commodities
- Renewable energies
- Vegetable origin materials
- Biodiesel
Fuel additives
We supply active materials to producers of fuels and combustibles. Our offer is addressed to refiners and traders of petroleum products.
- Specialties
- Specifications
- Combustion
- Equipment wear protection
We offer renewable raw materials and active chemicals
We source our product directly from their manufacturers.
Our deep knowledge of quality standards enables us to select the most suitable grades for our customer’s applications. As the market’s demands increase, our mission also consist in working in our partners to make them upgrade the quality of their product whenever this is required.

CHEMWIDER is at your disposal by phone or by email through our contact form below in order to go through all your questions.
France Office
+33 (0)9 53 84 64 28
+33 (0)6 50 93 03 05
+33 (0)9 58 84 64 28
World Trade Center Lyon – Tour Oxygène
10 – 12 boulevard Vivier Merle
69393 Lyon cedex 03, FRANCE